var socket = io(""); var usernameSearch = function (usernameDiv, typeOf, msgDiv, subTypeOf) { // set up state object let state = new State(); state.event.type = typeOf; state.event.subType = subTypeOf; state.status.current = 'success'; // grab username from username html div, removing any email part added on let username = document.getElementById(usernameDiv).value.split("@")[0]; // ensure username is populated // otherwise RENDER MESSAGE ERROR if (checkIfPopulated(username) === false) { state.status.current = "error"; state.message.system = "user did not enter username"; state.message.endUser = "Please enter username and click submit."; state.actions.client.toProcess.push('renderMessage'); state.actions.client.renderMessage.location.div = msgDiv; state.actions.client.renderMessage.message.type = "textContent"; = state.message.endUser; // run renderMessage // alert user they need to type in a username state = processActions(state); return state; } // ensure username does not have any spaces. // otherwise RENDER MESSAGE ERROR if (username.includes(" ") === true) { state.status.current = "error"; state.message.system = "username given includes a space"; state.message.endUser = "

Please make sure to enter your username. Usernames will not include a space. If you aren't sure what your username is, please recover it here

"; state.actions.client.toProcess.push('renderMessage'); state.actions.client.renderMessage.location.div = msgDiv; state.actions.client.renderMessage.message.type = "innerHTML"; state.actions.client.renderMessage.template.requiresTemplating = false; state.actions.client.renderMessage.template.translationTable = { imageUrl: "::~imgUrl~::", data: "::~message~::" }; = state.message.endUser; state.actions.client.renderMessage.message.imageUrl = state.message.imageUrl; console.log(state.message.system); // run renderMessage // alert user they need to type in a username state = processActions(state); return state; } // create apiCall action state.actions.client.toProcess.push('apiCall'); = typeOf; = 'api/v1/actions/generate-user-record'; = {username: username, version: "v1", endpoints: "ActiveDirectory,Identity,DUO"}; // run apiCall // emit socket apiCall to search for user info state = processActions(state); return state; } var unknownUserSearch = function (lastnameDiv, firstNameDiv, captchaDiv, typeOf, msgDiv, subTypeOf, monthDropDownDiv, dayDropDownDiv, yearDropDownDiv) { // set up state object let state = new State(); state.event.type = typeOf; state.event.subType = subTypeOf; state.status.current = 'success'; // grab lastname, firstname, birthdate, and captcha interpretation from html let lastname = document.getElementById(lastnameDiv).value; let firstname = document.getElementById(firstNameDiv).value; let birthdate = document.getElementById(monthDropDownDiv).innerText + document.getElementById(dayDropDownDiv).innerText + document.getElementById(yearDropDownDiv).innerText let captchaInterpretation = document.getElementById(captchaDiv).value; // ensure first name is populated // otherwise RENDER MESSAGE ERROR if (checkIfPopulated(firstname) === false) { state.status.current = "error"; state.message.system = "user did not enter first name"; state.message.endUser = "

Please enter your first name.

"; state.actions.client.toProcess.push('renderMessage'); state.actions.client.renderMessage.location.div = msgDiv; state.actions.client.renderMessage.message.type = "innerHTML"; = state.message.endUser; // run renderMessage // alert user they need to type in a username state = processActions(state); return state; } // ensure last name is populated // otherwise RENDER MESSAGE ERROR if (checkIfPopulated(lastname) === false) { state.status.current = "error"; state.message.system = "user did not enter last name"; state.message.endUser = "

Please enter your last name.

"; state.actions.client.toProcess.push('renderMessage'); state.actions.client.renderMessage.location.div = msgDiv; state.actions.client.renderMessage.message.type = "innerHTML"; = state.message.endUser; // run renderMessage // alert user they need to type in a username state = processActions(state); return state; } // ensure birthdate is populated // otherwise RENDER MESSAGE ERROR if (checkIfPopulated(birthdate) === false) { state.status.current = "error"; state.message.system = "user did not enter birthdate"; state.message.endUser = "

Please fillout your birthdate information.

"; state.actions.client.toProcess.push('renderMessage'); state.actions.client.renderMessage.location.div = msgDiv; state.actions.client.renderMessage.message.type = "innerHTML"; = state.message.endUser; // run renderMessage // alert user they need to type in a username state = processActions(state); return state; } else { if (birthdate.includes("Month") || birthdate.includes("Day") || birthdate.includes("Year")) { state.status.current = "error"; state.message.system = "user did not enter birthdate"; state.message.endUser = "

Please fillout your birthdate information.

"; state.actions.client.toProcess.push('renderMessage'); state.actions.client.renderMessage.location.div = msgDiv; state.actions.client.renderMessage.message.type = "innerHTML"; = state.message.endUser; // run renderMessage // alert user they need to type in a username state = processActions(state); return state; } } // ensure captcha answer is populated // otherwise RENDER MESSAGE ERROR if (checkIfPopulated(captchaInterpretation) === false) { state.status.current = "error"; state.message.system = "user did not answer captcha"; state.message.endUser = "

Please fill out captcha response and click submit.

"; state.actions.client.toProcess.push('renderMessage'); state.actions.client.renderMessage.location.div = msgDiv; state.actions.client.renderMessage.message.type = "innerHTML"; = state.message.endUser; // run renderMessage // alert user they need to type in a username state = processActions(state); return state; } // ensure captcha encoded correct answer is populated // otherwise RENDER MESSAGE ERROR if (checkIfPopulated(correctCaptcha) === false) { state.status.current = "error"; state.message.system = "encoded correct captcha from server not available"; state.message.endUser = "

internal server error, please contact ITS at 443-412-2477, option #3

"; state.actions.client.toProcess.push('renderMessage'); state.actions.client.renderMessage.location.div = msgDiv; state.actions.client.renderMessage.message.type = "innerHTML"; = state.message.endUser; // run renderMessage // alert user they need to type in a username state = processActions(state); return state; } // create apiCall action state.actions.client.toProcess.push('apiCall'); = typeOf; = 'api/v1/actions/generate-user-record'; = { firstname: firstname, lastname: lastname, birthdate: birthdate, version: "v1", endpoints: "ActiveDirectory,Identity" }; state.actions.client.apiCall.captcha.required = true; state.actions.client.apiCall.captcha.userInterpretation = captchaInterpretation; state.actions.client.apiCall.captcha.correctEncoded = correctCaptcha; // run apiCall // emit socket apiCall to search for user info state = processActions(state); return state; } var updateMonthDropDown = function (num) { item = document.getElementById('monthDropDown').innerText = num } var updateDayDropDown = function (num) { item = document.getElementById('dayDropDown').innerText = num } var updateYearDropDown = function (num) { item = document.getElementById('yearDropDown').innerText = num }